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Learning Opportunities for Adults

Talmud Israeli: Strengthening Jewish Identity One Daf at a Time


Weekly Publication

Available in English & Hebrew

Talmud Israeli's weekly publication offers students of all ages and levels the opportunity to join the world-wide Daf Yomi learning experience. The publication offers seven sections from the Gemara, one for each day of the week, two columns about Israel and modern Jewish history, and a Dvar Torah. Talmud Israeli gives adults a simple way to connect to Jewish tradition, strengthen Jewish knowledge, and learn more about our history. We are delighted to offer both the English and Hebrew digital versions free-of-charge for your enjoyment. 

Masechet Books

Available in English

Talmud Israeli offers adults the opportunity to learn individual masechtot in an engaging and clear manner. The book is written entirely in English and offers a selection from each daf, teaching one important concept concisely. Talmud Israeli's individual masechet  books enable learners to enjoy the breadth of the Gemara while continuing regular in depth study as well. An entire masechet can be completed in days, weeks or in a couple of months


Video Clips

Available in English with Hebrew Subtitles

Talmud Israeli produced 60 unique video clips that highlight important Talmudic concepts in a fun an engaging manner. The clips are each about 5 minutes long and can be expanded upon with a classroom discussion. Hebrew language skills are also improved by watching these clips, while reading the English subtitles. While these clips include a puppet and funny characters, they truly are enjoyed by toddlers, senior citizens and everyone in between.


These videos can also be viewed during family learning and a broader discussion can ensue. 

Sugiyot Book

Available in English & Hebrew

Talmud Israeli's Sugiyot Book presents a collection over 50 Talmudic teachings on a broad range of important Jewish value concepts. Each of the selected Jewish values is represented by an excerpt from a sugiya (Talmudic discussion); a brief related story; and a QR code to a companion video — along with a supplementary resource on either a famous Israeli personality, and event in Israeli history, or a historically significant place in Israel.



• Hashavat Aveida/Returning lost items (Bava Metzia 24) • Tza’ar Baalei Chayim/Cruelty to Animals (Sanhedrin 65) • Pikuach Nefesh/Saving a Life (Yoma 84)

• Gam Zu L’Tova/This Too Is for The Best (Ta’anit 21)

• HaKoneh MiGanav/Buying from a Thief (Bava Batra 30) • Achrayut Al Shmirat Chefetz/Responsibility For Guarding an Item (Bava Kamma 47)

 and many, many more ...


Contact us for more information 

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